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Keychain Flappy Slim - YHWH Shalom

Keychain Flappy Slim - YHWH Shalom

Embrace the peace of God with this sophisticated leather keychain with the words 'YHWH Shalom'. Are you anxious because doors in front of you won't open? Are you discouraged by the walls that seem to close in on you? Rest in the peace of your Yahweh Shalom. These names of God are more than just identifying markers - they speak of the essence of God's character and reveal His heart for us, His children - full of love, purpose and truth. As you use this meticulously crafted keychain, reflect on the peace He has left us with - an empowering wholeness, soundness and quiet confidence. We are equipped for any battle, comforted in every trial and loved through all our struggles because we have the gift of our Yahweh Shalom. So, fasten your keys securely and let this keychain be your trusty companion as you thrive where you are or expand your territory.
Regular price Rs. 450.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 450.00
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This inspiration came from Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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