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Keychain Flappy Slim - YHWH Rapha

Keychain Flappy Slim - YHWH Rapha

Add a touch of faith to your fashion with this simple, yet elegant leather keychain with the word 'YHWH Rapha'. Made with soft, supple leather, this keychain in a minimalist design bears testimony of the person of God - a 'God who Heals', a name he revealed to Moses after their exodus from Egypt. If you are waiting, wishing or wondering if you will ever be well, then this is the perfect gift for you. If you are waiting on a miracle or bear testimony of God's miracle-working power in your life, this is a great choice for you too! Unlock the key to healing by reminding yourself of the miraculous power, provision and protection that is found in your Yahweh-Rapha. Let this be a reminder for you to persist in prayer and faith and praise the name of God!
Regular price Rs. 450.00
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This inspiration came from Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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