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Keychain Flappy Slim - El Shaddai

Keychain Flappy Slim - El Shaddai

Elevate your style and infuse your soul with confidence as you carry this unique keychain featuring the intricately carved words 'El Shaddai'. Attach this keychain to your keys and let it be a reminder of the powerful presence of your Covenant God, El-Shaddai. He is a good God who is faithful to bless and keep His promises. The sleek design and beautiful craftsmanship make it a timeless and practical accessory - a gift that is perfect for someone always on the go.
Regular price Rs. 450.00
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This inspiration came from Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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Reach people with the love of God with biblical inspiration and encouragement. Offer high quality products, on par with those available internationally.Offer affordable products without compromising quality. Be Accessible – locally and internationally.

Our vision for the Zoay Store is “His Word in Every Home.”